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Plans & Pricing
Billed Yearly (save 20%)
Monthly plans at low prices!
Monthly recurring packages offer a convenient and cost-effective way for you to use our services with unlimited messages.
$3.99 / month
Unlimited messages
Up to 1 minute per audio
Summarize your audio
Translate into multiple languages
$5.99 / month
Unlimited messages
Up to 5 minutes per audio
Summarize your audio
Translate into multiple languages
$19.99 / month
Unlimited messages
Up to 10 minutes per audio
Summarize your audio
Translate into multiple languages
Buy Credits
No monthly payment
Enjoy flexibility, no commitment, and hassle-free with our credits package
One-time Deal
70 messages
Up to 5 minutes per audio
No recurring fees
Valid 6 months
Summarize your audio
Translate into multiple languages
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